As an IRO you need to understand the everchanging analyst expectations of your company and you need to communicate these expectations to your C-Suite team. Even more importantly, you must communicate your company story to the key portfolio managers who own or may buy your stock, and to the individual investors who own your stock.
Zacks IR Tools can help you with all four communications tasks.
Zacks IR Tools is a password-protected web site, customized to meet your specific needs, that organizes the information you need to do your communications jobs effortlessly.
The IR Tools Dashboard makes it easy to visually track all analyst estimate changes, analyst recommendation changes, new PDF research reports, new analyst models, changes in institutional holdings, and news for your own company.
Moreover, if your company is followed by 3 or more analysts, we collect all of your analyst models and create one consolidated spreadsheet giving you an always-current and complete consensus model for hundreds of your financial statement line items and price-driving non-financial metrics.
This consolidated consensus model gives you the latest data on which analysts have the highest/lowest forecasts, and which analysts have recently changed their forecasts.
For any public company, IR Tools provides you with a comprehensive overview of all of the investment information used by analysts to evaluate the company.
These metrics include key valuation ratios, historical Impact of quarterly EPS, revenue and metric surprises on stock price, a comprehensive quote page, Zacks research on the company, extensive graphical peer analysis using any of 600 financial ratios, company vs. industry fundamental and valuation analysis, company news and events related to the company, as well as complete company historical financials. All of this data can easily be transferred into Excel for further analysis.
Zacks buy side contact database enables you to identify the key portfolio managers who own or are potential buyers of your stock.
The Zacks buy side contact database is the most complete database of buy side portfolio managers and analysts available to IROs. We have found that during Covid, nearly 40% of buy side portfolio managers and analysts changed jobs—so it’s likely that the contact information for many of your existing buy side contacts is not current. IR Tools enables you to easily update the contacts in your existing CRM from the more current contact information in the Zacks buy side contact database.
Learn more about our Buy-Side Contact Database
The Zacks proprietary Opportunity Probability helps you identify portfolio managers whose recent purchases suggest they may be interested in your stock.
Learn more about Opportunity Probability Score
The Zacks buy side contact database enables you to quickly and easily identify those portfolio managers who now own your stock, and those who recently bought or sold your stock, and the stock of your peers, so you can be sure that your virtual non-deal road shows will be as productive as possible.
Learn more
Salesforce—recognized as the # 1 CRM—is included at no fee with ZIRT. So if your CRM is clumsy, slow and difficult to use, learn how using the free version of Salesforce included with ZIRT can simplify your job.
Learn more about Salesforce in IR Tools
Create contact lists by screening the Zacks buy side contact database and then use the Salesforce CRM to send drip emails to each of your contact lists.
Use the IR Tools Board Report module yourself or have the Zacks IR team create customized reports for C-level executives, board presentations and for investor meetings.
Quickly answer questions from your CEO/CFO related to how your company compares with your peers, using over 600 financial data items in chart or table format.
Zacks provides a web widget called IR Visualizer that fits seamlessly into your IR web site, and displays tables and charts showing your historical company financials using GAAP or Proforma accounting. These are updated automatically as you report quarterly results, and you can easily design the charts to focus on the story you want to communicate.
Learn more about IR Visualizer
Historically the obscure information on DTC NOBO Lists has prevented companies from even knowing the names of individual investors who own their stock. Zacks' data team has broken the NOBO barrier and is able to create a thorough list of the individual investors who own your stock and have authorized the DTC to include them on your NOBO list. Our marketing team can send your email messages to these owners of your stock to help you ensure that your company story is understood by all owners of your stock.
Learn more about Retail Investor Outreach
Zacks' data team maintains contact information for more than 2 million active individual investors and can segment this list to only those who may be interested in your stock. Our marketing team can then interact with these potential investors in your stock, using digital marketing techniques to present your message as you would like it delivered.
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